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Download Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 latest free latest standalone offline bootable DMG image. The MacOS X Yosemite 10.10 is a very powerful operating system for Macintosh with better stability, security, and compatibility features.

Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Review

Apple’s OS X Yosemite is a very powerful operating system providing support for all the latest devices and new features. It comes up with compatibility, stability, and security for your Mac. You can easily browse your photos by location and time, collections, and years. Navigate the library using Photos, Albums, Projects, and Shared tabs. Enhanced Photos with iCloud Photo Library to store videos and photos as well as access them from any device such as iPhone, Mac, iPad, and iCloud using the web browser.

Mac os yosemite free. download full version 10

May 25, 2019. Oct 16, 2014.

Moreover, there are different easy to use editing tools to optimize the images with precise controls and adjustments. It also allows you to create professional quality photo books and bookmarking tools as well as new themes. Purchase prints in panoramas and new square sizes. In addition, there are over 300 Emoji characters with spotlight suggestions. Enhanced private browsing as well as increased security and stability in Safari browsers. Better wifi performance and connectivity greatly enhance the performance of the OS. All in all, it is a stable and reliable operating system for Mac.

Features of Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3

Mac os yosemite free. download full version 10
  1. Aug 06, 2019.
  2. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu; Apple; Shopping Bag +. Search Support.
  • Enhanced photos and iCloud features
  • Navigate library and access iCloud data
  • Intuitive editing tools and optimizing features
  • Create photo books with bookmarking features
  • More than 300 new Emoji characters
  • Enhanced Wifi performance and connectivity features
  • Bluetooth devices and connection features
  • Better screen sharing features

Technical Details of Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3

  • File Name: Yosemite_10.10.3.dmg
  • File Size: 5.8 GB
  • Developer: Apple

System Requirements for Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3

  • Supported Devices
    • iMac
    • MacBook Pro and Air
    • Mac Mini
    • Mac Pro
    • iMac
    • Mac Mini
    • Mac Pro
  • 8 GB free HDD
  • 2 GB RAM
  • Core 2 Duo or higher

Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 Free Download

Download Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 latest version standalone bootable DMG image by clicking the below button. It is a very powerful Mac operating system with various enhancements and new features. You can also download Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

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Mac OS X Yosemite is an Apple Operating System with many enhancements and an eye-catching design. This free download is the standalone DMG disk image of OSx Yosemite.

Mac OS X Yosemite Overview

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Mac Os Yosemite free. download full Version Free

Mac OSX Yosemite is the eleventh release from Apple which has every feature you can think about. A very friendly interface is provided to provide a much better user experience. You will find everything at a glimpse of an eye. It consumes the resources very efficiently and never stuck at any point. It is a very lightweight operating system. This operating system focusses on simplicity and delivers ultimate performance level. It can synchronize all your Apple devices so that each and every device provides the best performance when working parallel. Icons and buttons are redesigned as well. The Dock is also enhanced with more features as compared to the previous versions. Quickly launch your applications from the dock and get everything with a single mouse event.

The consistent look and feel do not require any experience for getting hands on this operating system. All the basic features are completely customizable. Voice-over is also supported for the iBooks and other text documents for better reading, it can dictate more than 40 languages. Safari browser has also many enhancements for better internet browsing.

Features of Mac OS X Yosemite

Some of the features of Mac OS X Yosemite are:

  • Lightweight environment
  • Improved user interface
  • Enhanced fonts and buttons
  • Improvements in the dock
  • Improvements in Safari Browser
  • More reliable and secure
  • More than 40 dictation languages
  • Transparency modifications and much more

System Requirements for Mac OS X Yosemite

Before you download Yosemite, make sure that your system meets the given requirements

  • Free Hard Disk Space: 10 GB of minimum free space required
  • Installed Memory: 2 GB of minimum RAM required
  • Processor: Single Core Processor or higher

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Mac OS X Yosemite Free Download

Download Mac Os X Free

Click on the below link to download the standalone setup of Mac OS X Yosemite for x86 and x64 architecture. It is the eleventh and the most powerful release from Apple.